(function($){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //jjee $.extend({ fonts: function(){ $('body').flowtype({ maximum : 1200, minFont : 9, maxFont : 60, fontRatio : 90 }); }, nivo: function(){ $('#sliderhome').nivoSlider({ effect: 'fade', animSpeed: 500, pauseTime: 3000, startSlide: 0, directionNav: false, controlNav: false, controlNavThumbs: false, pauseOnHover: false }); }, noti: function(){ $('#slider').nivoSlider({ directionNav: true, effect: 'fade', manualAdvance: true, controlNavThumbs: true }); }, matchh: function(){ $('.mach').matchHeight(); }, /*videohome: function(){ $('.ytb').colorbox({ iframe: true, innerWidth:640, innerHeight:390 }); },*/ form: function(){ $('#contacto').sendform({ url: '/contacto/go.php', type:'POST' }); /*$('#medicos').sendform({ url: 'go.php', type:'POST' });*/ }, galeria: function(){ $('.gall a').colorbox({ photo: true, scalePhotos: true, maxHeight:'90%', maxWidth:'90%' }); $(".gall").justifiedGallery({ rowHeight: 150, captions: false, margins: 3, sizeRangeSuffixes : { lt100 : '', lt240 : '', lt320 : '', lt500 : '', lt640 : '', lt1024 : '' } }); }, pdf: function(){ $(document).on('change', '#pdf input, #pdf select', function(){ if($('#name').val() !== '' && $('#ap').val() !== '' && $('#prov').val() !== '' && $('#disc').val() !== '' && $('#env').length == 0){ $('#botond').append(''); } }); }, lazysql: function(){ $('.notasloop').scrollPagination({ nop: 4, php: 'ajax.php', error: 'No hay mas noticias' }); }, /*videogal: function(){ $('.vidid').on('click', function(){ var myPlayer = videojs('example_video_1'); var laurl = $(this).attr('href'); myPlayer.src('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+laurl).play(); return false; }); },*/ hitos: function(){ var $sidescroll = (function() { // the row elements var $rows = $('#ss-container > div.ss-row'), // we will cache the inviewport rows and the outside viewport rows $rowsViewport, $rowsOutViewport, // navigation menu links $links = $('#ss-links > a'), // the window element $win = $(window), // we will store the window sizes here winSize = {}, // used in the scroll setTimeout function anim = false, // page scroll speed scollPageSpeed = 1000 , // page scroll easing scollPageEasing = 'easeInOutExpo', // perspective? hasPerspective = false, perspective = hasPerspective && Modernizr.csstransforms3d, // initialize function init = function() { // get window sizes getWinSize(); // initialize events initEvents(); // define the inviewport selector defineViewport(); // gets the elements that match the previous selector setViewportRows(); // if perspective add css if( perspective ) { $rows.css({ '-webkit-perspective' : 600, '-webkit-perspective-origin' : '50% 0%' }); } // show the pointers for the inviewport rows $rowsViewport.find('a.ss-circle').addClass('ss-circle-deco'); // set positions for each row placeRows(); }, // defines a selector that gathers the row elems that are initially visible. // the element is visible if its top is less than the window's height. // these elements will not be affected when scrolling the page. defineViewport = function() { $.extend( $.expr[':'], { inviewport : function ( el ) { if ( $(el).offset().top < winSize.height ) { return true; } return false; } }); }, // checks which rows are initially visible setViewportRows = function() { $rowsViewport = $rows.filter(':inviewport'); $rowsOutViewport = $rows.not( $rowsViewport ) }, // get window sizes getWinSize = function() { winSize.width = $win.width(); winSize.height = $win.height(); }, // initialize some events initEvents = function() { // navigation menu links. // scroll to the respective section. $links.on( 'click.Scrolling', function( event ) { // scroll to the element that has id = menu's href $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top }, scollPageSpeed, scollPageEasing ); return false; }); $(window).on({ // on window resize we need to redefine which rows are initially visible (this ones we will not animate). 'resize.Scrolling' : function( event ) { // get the window sizes again getWinSize(); // redefine which rows are initially visible (:inviewport) setViewportRows(); // remove pointers for every row $rows.find('a.ss-circle').removeClass('ss-circle-deco'); // show inviewport rows and respective pointers $rowsViewport.each( function() { $(this).find('div.ss-left') .css({ left : '0%' }) .end() .find('div.ss-right') .css({ right : '0%' }) .end() .find('a.ss-circle') .addClass('ss-circle-deco'); }); }, // when scrolling the page change the position of each row 'scroll.Scrolling' : function( event ) { ////////////////// var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); var ancho = $(window).width(); var elemTop = $('#espacio').offset().top; var elemBottom = elemTop + $('#espacio').height(); if(ancho > 752){ if((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop)){ $('#ss-links').fadeOut(); }else{ $('#ss-links').fadeIn(); } } // set a timeout to avoid that the // placeRows function gets called on every scroll trigger if( anim ) return false; anim = true; setTimeout( function() { placeRows(); anim = false; }, 10 ); } }); }, // sets the position of the rows (left and right row elements). // Both of these elements will start with -50% for the left/right (not visible) // and this value should be 0% (final position) when the element is on the // center of the window. placeRows = function() { // how much we scrolled so far var winscroll = $win.scrollTop(), // the y value for the center of the screen winCenter = winSize.height / 2 + winscroll; // for every row that is not inviewport $rowsOutViewport.each( function(i) { var $row = $(this), // the left side element $rowL = $row.find('div.ss-left'), // the right side element $rowR = $row.find('div.ss-right'), // top value rowT = $row.offset().top; // hide the row if it is under the viewport if( rowT > winSize.height + winscroll ) { if( perspective ) { $rowL.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d(-75%, 0, 0) rotateY(-90deg) translate3d(-75%, 0, 0)', 'opacity' : 0 }); $rowR.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d(75%, 0, 0) rotateY(90deg) translate3d(75%, 0, 0)', 'opacity' : 0 }); } else { $rowL.css({ left : '-50%' }); $rowR.css({ right : '-50%' }); } } // if not, the row should become visible (0% of left/right) as it gets closer to the center of the screen. else { // row's height var rowH = $row.height(), // the value on each scrolling step will be proporcional to the distance from the center of the screen to its height factor = ( ( ( rowT + rowH / 2 ) - winCenter ) / ( winSize.height / 2 + rowH / 2 ) ), // value for the left / right of each side of the row. // 0% is the limit val = Math.max( factor * 50, 0 ); if( val <= 0 ) { // when 0% is reached show the pointer for that row if( !$row.data('pointer') ) { $row.data( 'pointer', true ); $row.find('.ss-circle').addClass('ss-circle-deco'); } } else { // the pointer should not be shown if( $row.data('pointer') ) { $row.data( 'pointer', false ); $row.find('.ss-circle').removeClass('ss-circle-deco'); } } // set calculated values if( perspective ) { var t = Math.max( factor * 75, 0 ), r = Math.max( factor * 90, 0 ), o = Math.min( Math.abs( factor - 1 ), 1 ); $rowL.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d(-' + t + '%, 0, 0) rotateY(-' + r + 'deg) translate3d(-' + t + '%, 0, 0)', 'opacity' : o }); $rowR.css({ '-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d(' + t + '%, 0, 0) rotateY(' + r + 'deg) translate3d(' + t + '%, 0, 0)', 'opacity' : o }); } else { $rowL.css({ left : - val + '%' }); $rowR.css({ right : - val + '%' }); } } }); }; return { init : init }; })(); $sidescroll.init(); $sidescroll.inView(); }, mifoto: function(options){ $(window).keydown(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); //valid $('form#mifoto')[0].reset(); $('form#mifoto').validate({ highlight: function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').addClass('has-error'); }, unhighlight: function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error').addClass('has-success'); }, errorClass: 'label label-danger', errorElement: 'span', submitHandler: function(form){ $('#envio').hide(); form.submit(); return false; } }).resetForm(); //uploadfile var datos = $('form#mifoto').serialize(); var settings = { url: 'up.php', nestedForms: false, dragDrop:false, fileName: 'myfile', formData:datos, allowedTypes:'jpg,jpeg,png', returnType:'json', maxFileSize: 10000000 , multiple:false, showProgress: true, showPreview: true, showFileCounter:false, showDone:false, previewWidth: '100%', previewHeight: 'auto', statusBarWidth: '30%', showStatusAfterSuccess:true, onSelect:function(files){ var cuantos = $('.ajax-file-upload-statusbar').length; if(cuantos > 0){ $.modals({ esConfirm: false, idOk: 'borrame', mensaje: 'Se admite un solo archivo por envĂ­o', }); return false; } }, onSuccess:function(files,data,xhr){ $('#envio').show(); $('#pic_tmpname').val(data.tmpname); //$('#pic_name').val(data.name); $('#pic_size').val(data.size); }, deleteCallback: function(files,data,pd){ var delpic = $('#pic_tmpname').val(); $.post('del.php',{picname:delpic},function(resp, textStatus, jqXHR){ $('#envio').hide(); }); pd.statusbar.hide(); } } $("#mulitplefileuploader").uploadFile(settings); }, impr: function(options){ $('#printa').click(function(){ $(options.idi).printArea({ mode:'popup', popHt: 640, popWd:480 }); return false; }); } }); })(jQuery);